Los Angeles Evening Express from Los Angeles, California (2025)

LOS ANGELES EVENING EXPRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1926 TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL EEL Land RESOR TRAIN IS MODEL FOR EVERY LUXURY Baltimore Ohio Limited Connecting at Chicago Makes for Comfort CONTRAST IS SHOWN Comparison Made With Form Of Travel of Generation Ago (Mr. Alder, nationally known lecturer, author and traveler, will write 411 interesting and educational travel article for the Evening Express and broadcast a radio travelogue every day over Station KNX between 12:30 and o'clock.) By W. F. ALDER The advance and progress of our transportation system of railroads is nowhere more forcibly manifested than in the recent establishment of the new 11-Pullman 63-hour trains from Los Angeles to Chicago.

Prof- iting by the experience and examples of the Eastern trunk lines, the inauguration of these de luxe. all -Pullman trains of the transcontinental lines was a natural development. They are vertable palaces on wheels and are 50 scheduled that they make excellent connections with the all-Pullman W. F. ALDER trains operating eastward from Chicago.

These connections form almost continuous service from -to-coast with only a very short Interval ofetime between arrival and departure of the trains from Chicago. Connecting with the famous CapItol Limited of the Baltimore Ohio at Chicago, the new service from Los Angeles provides speed, with every comfort and convenience of travel, saving one business day. PRESENT-DAY TRAVEL The trip from Los Angeles, for example, to Washington can be made in 82 hours actual running time, which does not provide for the short lay -over in Chicago. What a contrast between the slow, painful journey with the hardships and dangers of a transcontinental trip legs than a generation ago, and the convenience, comfort and luxuries of present-day travel. For the entertainment and information of their passengers, daily (ATALINA FAMOUS ALL- YEAR RESORI Daily trip to Catalina big steel steamship, sailing at 10 a.

m. dally from Catalina Terminal, Wilmington, with or. chestra for dancing. LY. 6th and Main, A.

a. m. dally; Long Beach, 9:15 a. m. daily.

Special Two and Three day Outings--all expenses included TICKETS: 6th and Main, L. A. TR. 2961 IN ALL THE WORLD NO TRIP LIKE THIS PASSENGER SCHEDULE DEPARTURES Berth No. December 28...

Humboldt San Francisco 6:00 p. 57 December Yale San Francisco 4:00 p. 155 December Kermit San Francisco 5:00 p. 157 December Hellenic Sydney 5:00 p. 230 December Avalon Avalon ..10:00 111 185 December Dinteldyk Rotterdam 5:00 D.

187 December Admiral Fiske 11:00 a. December Harvard Diego 3:00 155 December Avalon 10:00 185 December Wapama Seattle 5:00 178 December Admiral Schley San Diego 8:00 Dr December 30.... Rose City Portland 5:00 p. 178 December 30. Emma Alexander Ensenada 10:00 p.

164 December San Juan San Francisco 6:00 p. 57 December 30. Yale Diego 3:00 p. 155 December 30. Harvard San Francisco 4:00 p.

December 30. Kinderdyk Rotterdam 5:00 p. 187 Deceniber 30. Avalon Avalon ...10:00 a. 185 December 30, Anyo Maru Valparaiso 5:00 p.

230 December 30. Belgenland San. Francisco 5:00 D. 60 ARRIVALS December Admiral Fiske Diego 8:00 p. ....153 December Yale Sun Diego 3:00 p.

155 December Avalon 5:30 185 December Rose City Portland 7:00 p. m. December Bandanger Buenos Aires 8:00 8. ..230 December 29. Harvard Francisco 10:00 a 155 December Avalon Avalon 5:30 p.

185 December Yale San Francisco 10:00 .155 December 30... Admiral Schley Portland 6:00 a. December Sibera Maru 2:00 p. 230 December 30. San Juan San Francisco 6:00 a.

57 December 30. Harvard San Diego 2:00 155 December 30.. Emma Alexander 5:00 p. 154 December Kinderdyk San Francisco 8:00 m. .187 December 30...

Avalon Avalon 5:30 p. .185 December 30... Anyo Maru 8:00 a. December 30. Belgenland York 7:00 a.

60 ARRIVALS, DEPARTURES Reported by Marine Exchange, L. A. Chamber of Commerce ARRIVALS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1926 Tanker Betterton. Captain Hawkins, from San Francisco, 2 a. 111.

oil for alpro Associated Oil Company. Steamer Covena, Captain Mikkelson, from Grays Harbor, 2:35 a. m. for Hammond Lumber Company. Steamer Astoria, Captain Nelson, from Grays Harbor, 2:55 m.

Lumber for Hammond Lumber Company. Tanker Kewanee, Captain Kelly, from Avon, 3:40 3. IN. Oil cargo for Associated Oil Company. Steamer Pennsylvania, Captain Danforth, from Boston, 4:10 8.

m. General cargo for American Hawaiian Steamship Company. Steamer Wapama, Captain Muher, from San Diego, 5:46 a. m. To load passengers and freight for McCormick Steamship Company.

Tanker Washtenaw, Captain Ursen, from Francisco, 7:05 a. m. To load oil For' California Petroleum Ref. Company, ARRIVING TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28 Steamer Admiral Fiske, Captain Sohst.

from San Diego. Passengers and freight for Pacific Steamship Company. Steamer Yale, Captain Self, from San Diego. Passengers and freight for Los Angeles Steamship Company. Steamer Avalon, Captain from Avalon.

Passengers, Mussetter, freight for Wilmington Transportation Company. British steamer City of Victoria, Captain Blair, from Sydney, C. B. En route to papers and current magazines are furnished. Baseball scores, football scores in season, and results of important sporting events are received en route and bulletined for the enjoyment of passengers.

Great attention has been given to these small matters of detail by the railroads, which are really not small at all, as they conduce to the comfort and well-being of the passengers. SAFETY DEVICES Splendid road beds, automatic and electrical signals, and all the latest developments in mechanical devices: are matters of course with the modern railroad, but the addition of these refinements of service, proximating that furnished by ap-: best hotels and clubs, has been a comparatively recent development. Greater convenience, comfort and luxuries are provided in the sleeping cars. The division between the berths on some of the trains being arranged with a telescopic device, which provides greater privacy. Much advance has also been made In the decoration of the Pullman cars.

Instead of the old standard colors, artistic designs and pleasing, harmonious color schemes have been evolved which, with the carpet strips between the cars across the vestibule on the Capitol Limited, give pleasing and homelike appearance which is appreciated by those who are accustomed to the best of everything. MOVABLE CHAIRS The observation car with Its! movable chairs is always a source of delight to those who are thus able to enjoy in comfort the panI oramic views along the route through the large plate glass dows of the car and on the tion platform where steamer rugs are provided on the above train for passengers who wish to enjoy the great outdoors in the cooler months. The Sunshine Belt to the Orient' $1250 and up Round the World 22 Ports in 14 Countries 110 days of adventuring in the most interesting lands ofthe world, Or enjoy a stay wherever you like for two weeks, or longer. Visit San Yokohama, Kobe, Kong, Manila, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, andria, Naples, Genoa, Marseilles, Boston, New York, Havana, Cristobal, Balboa and return to Los Angeles. The entire world circuit aboard palatial President Liners may be made for $11.37 per day including meals and first cabin accome modations aboard ship.

Outside rooms with beds, not berths. Spacious decks. A world famous cuisine. A sailing every fortnight from Los Angeles Harbor. Complete information from any steamship or railroad ticket agent or Dollar Steamship Line 514 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Phone TRinity 4891 Robert Dollar Building, San Francisco, Phone Garfield 4300 for Holland American Line.

C. J. Lehman, local agent. Steamer Avalon, Captain Mussetter, for Avalon. Passengers.

mail and freight for Wilmington Transportation Company. Steamer Edna, Captain Sanberg, for Portland. General cargo for McCormick Steamship Company. Steamer Las Vegas, Captain Fritch, for Orient vin San Francisco. General cargo for Oregon Oriental Line.

Williams, Dimond local agents. Steamer San Antonio. Captain Nielson, for San Francisco. General cargo for White Flyer Line. Tanker Betterton.

Captain Hawkins, for San Francisco; 74.000 barrels of oil for Associated Oil Company. Steamer Trinidad, Captain Poulson. for Eureka. To load lumber for Hammond Lumber Co. Steamer Prentiss, Captain Baach, for San Diego, Lumber for Albion Lumber Company.

DUE TO SAIL WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29 Steamer Admiral Fiske, for Portland. Passengers and freight for Pacific Steamship Company, Steamer Harvard, for San Diego. Passengers and freight for Los Angeles Steamship Company. Steamer Wapama.

for Seattle. Passengers and freight for McCormick Steamship Company. Steamer Avalon, for Avalon. Passergers and freight for Wilmington Transportation Company, Tanker Richmond, for Portland. OIl cargo for Standard Oil Company.

Tanker Cathwood, for Oleum, Oil cargo for Union Oil Company. Japanese steamer Capetown Maru, for United Kingdom. En route from Vancoucer for K. Line. Calling for bunkers, French steamer Arkansas, for Havre, General cargo for French Line.

Steamer Susherico, for Newark. en route from Grays Harbor, for Transmarine Line. Calling for bunkers. Steamer Forest King, for Guaymas, en route from Seattle, for James Griffith Sons. Calling for bunkers.

Towing Large Daylight. Barge Daylight, for San Marcus Island, to load gypsum for Standard Gypsum Company. In tow of steamer Forest King. British tanker British Star. for Tocopilla.

Oil cargo for Chilean Exploration Company. Tanker Kewanee, for Francisco. 011 cargo on account of Union Oil Company. British tanker Plume, for Australia. 011 cargo for Vacuum Oil Company, Tanker Washtenaw, for Seattle.

Oil cargo for California Petroleum Refining Company. Steamer Eleanor Christenson, for New York, en route from Grays Harbor, for Arrow Line. Calling for bunkers. Steamer Pennsylvanian, for San Francisco. General cargo for American-Hawalian Steamship.

British steamer City of Victoria, for Victoria, B. en route from Sydney, C. for W. L. Comyn 6t Co.

Calling for bunkers. Steamer Centralla, for Eureka. To load lumber for Bayside Redwood Company. Steamer Samoa, for Grays Harbor. To load lumber for Hammond Lumber Company.

Steamer Tamalpais, for Eureka. To load lumber for Little River Redwood Company. Steamer Brookings, for San Diego. Lumber for Mahony Lumber Company. Tanker Los Angeles.

for Ventura. In ballast to load oil for Union Oil Company. British Tanker Plume, for New Zealand. Oil cargo for Vacuum Oil Company. Steamer Commercial Spirit, for New York, en route from Columbia river, Calling for bunkers.

Swayne Hoyt, agents, British steamer Cape of Good Hope, for Trinidad, en route from New Westminster, for Canadian Transport Company. Calling for bunkers. VESSELS IN PORT (See port index for berth location) PASSENGER VESSELS Oaxaca, Pan steamer 88 Humboldt, steamer 57 Hellenic, Swedish steamer .230 Dinteldyk, Dutch steamer ..187 City of Los Angeles, steamer .156 Wapama, steamer .195 CARGO VESSELS Daylight, barge Long Beach Edna, steamer 178 Jeanette, R. motorship Beach Kermit, steamer Las Vegas, steamer 230 Mindanao, schooner 41 Pennsylvania, steamer Pomona, steamer 190 San Antonio, steamer 57 Sutorpeo, steamer anchored OIL CARRIERS Betterton, steamer 119 Kewanee, steamer 119 Neches, U. S.

Anchored Ramapo, U. S. Richfield, steamer Long Beach Rioco No. 1, barge Long Beach Santa Maria, steamer 241 San Fraterno, British Washtenaw, steamer Yankee Arrow, steamer 107 Astoria, steamer Brookdale, steamer Brookings, steamer Claremont, steamer Long Beach Centralia, steamer 96 Covena, steamer 224 Doylestown, steamer 160 Prentiss, steamer Jane Nettleton. steamer 198 Samoa, steamer Trinidad, steamer Tamalpais, steamer 198 Whitney Olson, steamer 198 Dan F.

Hanlon. 198 ON SCHEDULE Avalon, steamer 185 Patsy, motorship Beach 57 PLEASURE CRAFT Black Swan, motoryacht Long Beach Enchantress, auxiliary schooner. 92 Juanita, motoryacht Anchored Ripple, motoryacht ..192 Westener, motoryacht Anchored MOTION PICTURE CRAFT Bohemia, ship Long Indiana, ship Long Beach Trene, schooner Beach Narwhal, ship Long Beach Sequoia, schooner Anchored VESSELS LAID UP Alejandro, Mexican steamer ..202 Catalina, steamer 184 Chiapas, Mexican steamer Anchored Daylight, barge Long Beach David C. Meyer, steamer 108 El Abeto, steamer 106 El Cedro, steamer 106 El Cicuta, steamer 105 Heston. motor ship Long Beach Huntress, motor ship 94 John F.

Craig, motor ship Long Beach Oceana Vance, schooner Long Palmyra, schooner Long Beach President Arthur, steamer ...105 Progress, schooner Beach Solano, steamer 107 Waimea, steamer 164 LONG BEACH CHANNEL I Caucus, dredge. PORT INDEX OUTER HARBOR DISTRICT 16-40-Outer Harbor Dock and Wharf Company. Hart-Wood Lumber Com-' pany. Union Lumber Company. Albion Lumber Company.

41-Outer Harbor Dock and Whart Company, American Salt Company 61. 54-Outer Harbor Dock and Whart Company. Dodwell Co. Blue Funnel Line. Canadian Government Merchant Marine.

Balfour. Guthrie Co Cast Aglatio Company, M. and R. R. McLaurin.

Johnson Line. Union Sulphur Company, R. Grace Meyer Wilson Company National Nav. igation Lines. 55-Outer Harbor Dock and Wharf Company Coon Bay Lumber Company.

Paramine Lumber Company. 57-White Flyer 69--J Martin Sivertson, Norway-Pacific Line, Latin-American Line. 60-Canadian Pacifio Steamship Company. a 70-71-Pan-American Petroleum Company. SAN PEDRO DISTRICT 73-Southern Pacific slip.

Banning pany. 74-76-E. K. Wood Lumber Company. 81-83-Southern Pacific wharves.

south of Fifth street. (Tie whart.) 86-87-Southern Pacific wharves. north of Fifth street. 90-Furness Pacific Line. Prince Line, Banning Company.

Mitsui Steamship Company. Ocean Transport Company. 94-Marine Engine Works. 95-96-Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill and Lumber Company. 97-101-Standard Oil Company.

105-Los Angeles Lumber Products Company. 107-108--Los Angeles Shipbullding and Dry Dock Company 108-Merritt Chapman Scott. WILMINGTON DISTRICT 118-120-Associated Oil Company, 121-123-San Pedro Lumber Company. 152-154-Pacifle 150-151-Union Oil Company Steamship Company Admiral Line. Panama Line.

Angeles Steamship United American Lines. Arrow Line. 158 -Williams Line. 159-160-Struthers Barry. Nelson Company.

164-165-Jullan Petroleum Company. 167-168-Shell Company. Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Corporation. PRIZED HEIRLOOMS USED TO FASHION RICH ALTAR CLOTH By Associated Press NEW YORK, Dec. lace heirlooms of many women of social prominence today form a prized altar cloth of the Cathedral of St.

John the Divine. The cloth, in the form of a mosaic and comprising more than 100 pieces of rare and antique lace, was presented to the church by the diocesan auxillary and dedicated yesterday by Bishop William T. Manning. Every kind of hand lace, much hundreds of years old, is to be found in the cloth. Parts of it had been taken from wedding gowns, veils and handkerchiefs, christening caps and gowns, and even the flounces of bridal garments.

The various pieces were sewed together with a thread obtained specially from France, known as Couer de Line (heart of linen) and which has not been manufactured since the war. HUNGARIANS ARE 'JINGLING' HARD COIN THESE DAYS By A. R. DECKER Special Cable to the Evening Express and Chicago Daily News. (Copyright, 1926) VIENNA, Dec.

for the first time in 10 years, Hungarians were able to jingle hard money in their pockets. The banks early today began to, make exchanges of the new currency, the pengoe, for the old paper kronen which had been inflated to read in millions while having a purchasing value in cents. Thousands of people in Budapest formed in line at the banks, the money changers carrying paper kronen in their hands and exchanging them for the new notes and coins. Already the cafes and restaurants have their prices listed in pengoes, and by the first of the year all business firms will keep their books on the basis of the pengoe. The introduction of the pengoe places the stamp of approval upon Hungary's reconstruction which was begun by Jeremiah Smith.

BECOMES SHERIFF WITH PROMISE TO ROUT 'HELL HOLES' By Associated Press CHICAGO, Dec. E. Graydon became sheriff. of Cook county today with the promise that if there are any "hell holes" in his jurisdiction, as some members of the county board that elected him think, he would rout them out. "I have been reliably informed," said William Bussee, a board member, as he voted for a successor to Peter M.

Hoffman, resigned because he said the prohibition act could not be enforced here, "that Mr. Grayson pledged himself to clean up 'hell holes' of the has, country towns. Therefore, I vote The new sheriff, asked about the Busse statement, said: "I don't know just what he meant, but it there are such places in Cook county we'll try to find them." CHAPMAN SENTENCED TO McNEIL ISLAND By Associated Press SHANGHAI, Dec. Alden Chapman made an impassioned plea for leniency in the United States here today when he pleaded guilty to a charge of having embezzled $15,000 while clerk of that court in China. He was sentenced to 41 months' imprisonment in the penitentiary at McNeil island, Washington.

END PROBE AS FRENCH SOLDIERS TAKE BLAME By Associated Press PARIS. Dec. by the French authorities into the injury of two French soldiers at Mayence, Germany, Christmas morning, in a fracas with German civilians has come to an end with the confession of the soldiers involved that they were intoxicated and had sought the quarrel. It was learned officially today that the affair, which for a time threatened to become irritating subject of French German interchanges, will be concluded with the punishment of the soldiers. First reports of the Incident said the soldiers were attacked and beaten by a group of seven Germans as they left the Mayence garrison chapel after attending a midnight mass.

CANADIAN WORKMEN LEAVING U. REPORT By Associated Press TORONTO, Dec. mechanics and workmen employed in factories in border cities of the United States have been told that they must become United States citizens or lose their Jobs. The result of this mandate from number of employers in Detroit, Buffalo and Cleveland has been the return to Toronto within the last month of a number of young men, according to W. S.

Dobbs, head of the employment service of Canada. CALLES' SON WOUNDED By Associated Press NOGALES, Dec. Nogales Herald said today that Rodolfo Elias Calles, son of the president of Mexico, had been wounded at Cajem, Sonora, and that his alleged assailant, Capt. Luis Armenta of the federal army, had been placed in prison and held for trial THE WEATHER (United States Weather Bureau) LOS ANGELES FORECAST (December 28, 1926) For Los Angeles and vicinity- -Fair and continued cold tonight and Wednesday; frost in low places tonight. PACIFIC COAST FORECAST Southern California- Fair tonight and Wednesday; heavy frosts; moderate northeasterly winds.

San Francisco bay region -Increasing cloudiness tonight and Wednesday; slightly warmer; gentle varlable winds. Sacramento and Santa Clara valleys-Increasing cloudiness tonight and Wednesday: slightly warmer, but with local frosts tonight; light variable winds. San Joaquin valley-Fair tonight and Wednesday; heavy frosts; light northeasterly winds. TABLE OF TEMPERATURES H. L.

P.P H. L. P. Abilene. 52 32 .01 N.

York. 34 30 .12 Barkervl 18 IN. Head. 44 44 .20 28. 12 .01 N.

Platte 14 34 24 Oklahom 40 28 32 32 20 .08 Calgary. 18 (Phoenix. 50 28 Chicago. 24 24 Pitsburg. 48 38 30 16 Portland 48 44 .08 D.

Moines 34 20 .02 P. Rupert 44 .38 Dodge C. 40 18 Rapid C. 34 26 Edmontn 34 20 Red Bluf 52 30 El Paso. 24 Roseburg 50 40 Estevan.

441.92 Roswell. 42 24 Eureka. 54 44 St. Louis 30 30 .01 Flagstaf 28 -6 St. Paul.

28 10 52 34 Sacmnto. 50 36 Galvestn 66 50 .70 Lake, 24 20 .02 Gd. Jetn. 12 S. Diego.

58 41. 32 20 Fran. 52 42 32 24 S.L. Obis 58 34 18 Santa Fe 8 .40 Independ 40 .02 Juneu A. 36 1.28 Spokane, 32 24 Kamlops 28 26 80 56 Kan.

City 38 30 Tonopah. 26 20 Knoxvile 42 36 .94 Tucson. 48 24 Lander. Washgtn 42 32 L. Angels 59 42 Williston -2 Memphis 44 38 1.00 Wnmuca 34 8 Mineapls 28 10 Winipeg.

-2-20 26 0 Yuma. 54 30 54 32 -Below zero, N. Orlens 64 64 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (Special Stations) H. L. HI.

56 31 Pomona. 57 28 61 27 Rancho S.F. 58 34 El 60 28 Redlands. 58 30 56 28 62 28 60 28 Barbara, 58 32 L. A.

Harbr 60 38 S. Bernardo 63 28 Mt. Wilson. 43 30 8. Fernando 56 33 67 32 RAINFALL RECORD Season Last Season Los Angelen 4.

4.87 8.87 SUN, MOON AND TIDES Sun rises 6:58 a.m., seta 4:53 p. m. Moon rises 1:48 a. sets 1:22 p. m.

High tide, 5:25 a. m. and 6:10 p. m. Low tide, 12:44 p.

m. and 11:24 p. m. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES Names- AF OR Benjamin Adams, Marguerite E. Mehrholz George Edward Ainge, Elizabeth Marie McFarland 24-28 Jose Arrelano, Dolores a Ramirez.

36--30 Meyer James Barnet, Irene Noack Buckland 33-26 Robert Benbanasty, Suzanne Varon 29--18 D'Arcy Frederick Booth, Mary Lucille Shea John Boucek, Anna Samuel R. Brock, Mabel M. Curnutt 30-28 Leslie R. Brubeck, Stiepan. 26--24 Clarence Grant Bush, Estelle Marian Gustafson 18--19 J.

Lester Butler, Nina La' Rue Carter Wesley P. Chewning, Virginia Eunice Inlow 31-27 Robert M. Clendening, Rae Victor 63-48 John L. Compton, Gladys Imnachuck Foster Dullio Corsino, Lnia Mort. 23-24 Cecil Douglas Dempsey, Gertrude Irene Bayne 24-23 William A.

Dodson, Astrid N. Roback 30--30 Secundino Dominguez, Maximina Bejarano Ottie E. Drake, Ruth E. Miller. 30- 20 Juan S.

Estrada, Dolores Casas. 34--29. John E. Farmer, Harriet A. Davis Abe Friedman, Rose J.

Rhea Frisbie, Mary E. Lawrence 35-24 Charles Edwin Gable, Marie Lou Buker 22-21 Jean A. Galeron, Marjorie Osenton 31-29 Frank Joseph Galvan, Yvonne de Mersey 32-19 Addis Feline Garcia, Rosaria I. Gibson, Helena A. Johnson 23-20 Earle C.

Graham, Nellie E. O'Neill -18 Wallace Isaac Gum, 'Myrta' May Burnett 68-39 Niels S. Hansen, Karen M. Petersen 31-20 Carlos R. Ibarra, Ella 29-26 Alfred W.

Jacoby, Gladys Kashishian 20-18 William R. Harriett S. Perry Andrew A. Jepson, Mary R. Wilkes 19-20 William A.

Jolly, Marie Frances Helen Parker Fred Kemp Kefford, Emma Mae Wiese 32-32 Renito Lamory, Lucia Ruelas. -22 Burnzy Hughes Lewis, Eugenia Carson 21-19 Gabriel Lopez, Jesus Archibald Edward Holmes MacKellar, Helen Lee 27-23 Nell Clark Marsh, Florence Brenno 21--20 Fred D. Monroe, Prudence M. McFadyen Frank J. M.

Moormeister, Dexter A. G. Hugentobles. 48-29 Lloyd Leonard Nosler, Roberta Ruth Fulenwider 26--25 John Paul O'Sullivan, Helen Grace Fitzgerald 24-24 Alfred Richard Page, Anita Marie Scholl 26-17 Earl W. Paulson, Erma Ruth Bruce 29--27 E.

Petty, Dolphine Harris Saul E. Rykoff, Grace Rabwin 29-27 Francisco Salazer, Antonia Castro 26-21 Lester B. Sample, Mildred Pearl White 27---16 Ralph Rudolf Schmidt, Edith Sina Barber 12-41 Eldridge Sharpp, Linian C. Manney 28-26 Peter Shelton, Lilly Scumtewa. Roy Smith, Julia Miller.

A5-87 Joseph William Smith, Cornelia Welcome Mortensen Guy Smith, Marie Richard Vaughan 39-38 A. Soderholm. Rose Richard Mikeska G. 34--27 Spalding, Ida L. Rynes Rations Gage Spencer, Alta Belle Morton Stern.

Marcella Simon Wade Stewart, Emily John Katherine Jacobs 26-24 Thompson, Mattie 42--48 Marin Trutich, Marie Padovan. 29-27 Dan Wilson Twombly, Adalee Sibley 37--88 Torakichi Urushibata, Moyo Uemoto Bernard Van' Aast, Van Oosting 27--24 Roger Bennett B. Van Pelt, Marie 83-26 Carlos Rivas Varela, Maria VillRobert egas 32--24 William D. von Dobeneck, Helene H. Schiller.

Bert S. Williamson, Edith G. Dutes 22-28 Cirwub W. Wilson, Thelma' L. Smoot 23--20 DIVORCE SUITS FILED ARONSON- -Mollie D.

against Harry, BACHELLERIE- -Emma E. against Joseph. BOUSON- -Sarah against Herbert H. against Marion E. HABERMEHI---Lillian against Witliam L.

HOLLIDAY- Jay N. against Ettaire Lentz. -Josephine Z. against Lorimer Walter. Marion against Nick George.

KENNEDY- Helen M. against Edwin D. against Alexander. PETTIT- John against Blanche D. RICHARDSON-Arthur against Ada L.

ROBERTS- Leona B. against W. L. RYAN -Viola against Josephus. SHELTON--Leah against.

Janies ErWARNER--Blanch L. against John F. DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED AN ANTHONY- Violet Laura from Louis. HOW Keen from Clifford R. JASMIN- B.

from Irven G. LETTOW-Ella A Mae from John. -Beatrice E. from Raymond S. MeLAUGHLIN-Thomas L.

from Nellie. PARKER- -Bess B. from John Young. SKABO-Gunhild from Roar. SYLVESTER- Kathleen T.

from Herbert. VOGE- -Robert J. from VALLACE- -Anita from John. WILLIAMS- -Katherine Ralph J. NATURALIZATION PETITIONS Petitions for naturalization, with same, nationality and residence given William O' Donnell, Lynwood; Ireland.

Antonio Downey: Italy. David Crumstein, 1315 Sunset boulevard; Rumania. Gladys May Swann, South Pasadena; Canada. Lavina Birdie Kirkman Penley, Pomona; England. Lilian Sevena Mitchell, Pasadena: Canada.

John Mannes Specter, Puente: Russia. Thomas Bacon Chisholm, 2401 West Fifty-sixth Canada. Peter Donnelly, Llano; Canada. DEATHS NameClarence 38 0.00 Stanley 68 ANDERSON- -Harry BACON--Mary 82 BALDWIN-William 66 BAXTER-Gustave 38 BEAUCLAIRE- Victor 81 BOND--Alice 70 BURNS Ethel 42 CLAYTON-Woodford 61 James 69 COLTON-E. M.

69 CURRAN- Samuel 40 ERICKSON- 67 FAY- John 65 FRANK- Simon 89 GINGERY- Joyce 19 -Marie 70 HALL -Clarence 42 31 Caddie 68 HEALTON- Jennie 60 62 HUNT--Eliza 82 Elizabeth 89 JACKSON -Blanche 43 54 KIERSTAD Carrie 69 LINDNER Charles LINK--Anna 44 MARQUETTE- George 65 McCLURE- Fanny 69 McGUIRE- -Millie 83 McKIM- Gordon 86 McPHERSON- Caroline 17 McWHARTON- Thomas 67 MONTGOMERY--Mary 68 MOORE--Peter 80 MUIR- -Victoria 40 PELSINGER--Mary 53 PETERS- -Joseph 39 70 PETERSON -Helma 56 PHELPS Edgar 58 -William 60 PINKHAM--Arabella 67 POWERS--Kate 79 PRICHA- Joseph 85 RANDALL -Catherine 68 John 46 -Christian 73 ROSWELL- -Galda 31 SANDERS- Morris 65 SECHRIST- George 46 SHEVLIN-Catherine 24 Martha UNDERWOOD--Ernest 39 WILEY- -Josephine Evening Express Owned by LOS ANGELES EXPRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY EVENING EXPRESS BUILDING 236-242 SOUTH HILL STREET DICKSON EARL PUBLISHERS EARL, President EDWARD A. DICKSON. Editor Home delivery, 60c per month By mail, 60c a month. Three months, $1.80. Foreign mail subscription rates on application.

All checks should be made payable to Los Angeles Evening Express. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited, in this. paper. and also the local news published here.

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SITUATIONS WANTED CLASSES Per line per day or more consecutive 3 to 5 consecutive times. .170 One time 18g PERSONAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY AND FINANCIAL CLASSES Business Personals, Personals, Medical and Physicians, to Loan (except on real estate), Society Meetings, Special Notices and subheads. Stocks and Bonds, Lodge Notices, Travel Opportunities, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Dentists, Sanitariums and Employment Agency Help Wanted advertising. Per line per day 26.

or more consecutive times. 6 25 3 to 5 consecutive One 240 have been filed with the United States district court as follows: Salvadore di Carlo, 482 East Fortysecond street; Italy, Stefano. Rizzl. 1165 East Seventyeighth street; Italy. John Shillingotn Prince, 523 South Rampart boulevard; England.

Joseph Betuski, 1835 West Sixtyeighth street: Russia. France. Aleyivich, San Pedro; JugoSlavia. Michael. Georgean Heesy, 630 North Bailey street; Syria.

William Porges, 3716 Dozier drive; Russia. Gerder Gertrude Emilia Klemi, Pasadena; Finland. Max Vinegrad. 2018 Brooklyn avenue: Russia. Cornelius 821 North La Clenega boulevard; Holland.

Ivan Evdokimoff, 1165 Merletta street: Russia. Eva Cayley, 337 South Oliver street: England. ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES HOWARD--Albert James Howard, 80 years, born in San Antonio, April 17. 1846, a pioneer Californian, died at home early Monday. December 27, beloved father of Norwood W.

HowPasadena, Volney E. Howard of San Francisco, Mrs. E. Avery McCarthy, Arthur J. and Herbert B.

Howard, and brother of Mrs. Louise Howard Edwards. Services Wednesday. December 29, at 10:30 at the White Co. chapel, 664 Washington st.

Interment private. Please omit flowers. TOMS- -Accidentally, 27, Ivy Toms, aged 24 years, beloved husband of Mra. Ruth A. Toms and HOn Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Toms, and brother of Mrs. Alice Ingersol.

Funeral services Wednesday. Dec. 29, at 2 p. from the Hoover St. Baptist Church, corner of 61st and Hoover: W.

A. Brown. funeral director. RADFORD--Mary Ruby of 627 N. Rexford drive.

Beverly Hills, aged 80 years. Private services will be held Tuesday. at 11 a. from the family realdence. Cartwright White, directors.

Please omit dower ANNOUNCEMENTS ON DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES ALDERSON Julia 26, H. at Alderson, 230 North beloved mother of Julia B. and Dr. C. M.

Alderson, dentist. Funeral services Wednesday, 29, at 2 chapel, 720 W. Washington. 0C FUNERAL DIRECTORS PIERCE BROS. CO.

NEW LOCATION 720 Washington. WE. 4156. ANNOUNCEMENTS Victoria, B. for W.

L. Comm Co. Calling for bunkers. Steamer Eleanor Christenson, Captain Wariner, from Grays Harbor. En route to New York for Arrow Line.

Calling for bunkers. Los Angeles Steamship Company, local agent. Tanker S. C. T.

Dodd, Captain Holm, from New York. To load oil for Standard Oil Company of California. British tanker Plume, Captain Owens, from Brisbane. To load oil for Vacuum Oil Company. British tanker British Star, Captain Jones, from Tocopilla.

To load oil for Chilean Exploration Company, W. H. Wickermsham, local agent. Steamer Idaho, Captain Hubbennette. from Grays Harbor.

Lumber for Wilson Bros. Co. Steamer Forest King, Captain Joyce, from Tacoma. En route to Guaymas, for Jas, Griffiths Sons. Calling for bunkers.

Steamer Edna Christensen, Granman, from Grays Harbor. Lumber for McCormick Steamship Company. Steamer Shasta, Captain Tho, from Prescott. Lumber for E. K.

Wood Lumber Company, Tanker Low Angeles, Captain Carlson. from Ventura, Oil cargo for Union Oil Company. Steamer Daisy Putnam, Captain Ytting, from Grays Harbor. Lumber for E. K.

Wood Lumber Company, Steamer Solano, Captain Hanna, from Grays Harbor. Lumber for Hart-Wood Lumber Company, Steamer Point Arena, Captain Johnson, from Grays Harbor. Lumber for Hart-Wood Lumber Company. Steamer Commercial Spirit, Captain Martin, from Columbia river. En route to New York for Swayne Hoyt, Inc.

Calling for bunkers. for British Trinidad. steamer Cape of Good Hope, En route from New Westminster, Canadian Transport Company. for bunkers. DUE TO ARRIVE WEDNESDAY, DEC.

29 Steamer Rose City, from Portland. Passengers and freight for McCormick Steamship Company. Steamer Harvard, from San Passengers and freight for Los Francisco. Angeles Steamsnip Company. Steamer Avalon, from Avalon.

Passengers and freight for Wilmington Transportation Steamer Company. Susherico, from Grays Harbor. En route to Newark for Transmarine Line. Calling for bunkers. French steamer Arkansas, from San Francisco, General cargo for French Line, Japanese steamer Capetown Maru, from for Vancouver.

En route to United Kingdom K. Line. Calling for bunkers. load Tanker Richmond, from Portland. To Tanker oil for Standard Oil Company, load Cathwood, from Honolulu.

To oil for Union Oil Company. Tanker load oil David McKelvy, from New York. To for Tide Water Oil Tanker Bohemian Club. from Philadel- Company. phia.

Company. To load oil for Atlantic Refining Steamer Dorothy Wintermote, from Lumber for Paramino Lumber bor. Steamer Lumber Point. Loma, Hart-Wood from Lumber Grays Com- Harpany. ber Steamer Santiam, from Portland.

Lumfor Steamer Hammond Lumber Company, Lumber for Oliver Florence J. Olson, Olson from Company. Newport. Steamer for Multnomah, McCormick from Portland. Lumber Steamship Company.

Lumber Steamer San Diego, from Grays Harbor. for Hart-Wood Lumber Company. DEPARTURES (9 p. m. to midnight) MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1926 Steamer Viking, Captain Bergersen, for Seattle via San Diego, 9:55 a.

m. Lumber for George E. Billings Co. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1926 British steamer Atlantic City, Captain May, for United Kingdom, 1:20 3. m.

En route from Vancouver for ReardonSmith Co. Called for bunkers. Steamer Mexican, Captain Stevens, for Boston, 1:50 d. m. General cargo for American Japanese Hawaiian Steamship Company.

Ade, steamer England Maru, Captain for United Kingdom, 6:20 a. m. En route flure, from Vancouver for Line. Balfor Guthrie local agents. Called bunkers.

Steamer Suspearco, Captain Linner, for for San Francisco, 6:30 a. m. General cargo Transmarine Line. SAILING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28 for Steamer Humboldt, Captain Baughman, for San Francisco. Passengers and freight White Flyer Line.

Steamer Yale, Captain Selt, from Francisco, Passengers and freight for San Los Angeles Steamship Kermit. Company. Steamer Captain Strong, for San Francisco. General cargo for United American Company, Lives. Los Angeles Steamship local agent.

Swedish steamer Hellenic, Captain Camp, for Sydney. Passengers and freight for Transatlantic Steamship Company. General Steamship Coporation, local agent. for Dutch steamer Dinteldyk, Captain Heys, Rotterdam. Passengers and freight Special DANCING BEGINNERS GO WHERE YOU LEARN Lessons 50c Hr.

private room. 750-EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE-750 Six One-hour lessons for $5. With individual teacher and orchestra music: this includes ten hours. PRACTICE LESSONS FREE Palais de Dance 616 S. Hill.

between 6th and 7th Phone BRoadway 3107. THE only private and exclusive school of ballroom dancing it L. absolutely no embar rassment: results guaranteed private lessons. 75c. Eders Private School 520 S.

Broadway Above Tait's. FAber 1797. WHEN you have any salvage materials such (SALVATION 88 call lying Industrial magazines, old the around clothes, House Salvation in the newspapers, Wagon, books, Army way, MA. 2008 or TR. 5571.

will. get there in a hurry LOST AND FOUND LOST YOUR WATCH? Don't worry. Phone ME. 7600. It's a fair chance some of the more than 115,000 buyers of the Express or their families or friends have found it.

Ask them quickly through the Classified. DOG- German police, lost Sunday night, 8 mos. old. Answers to name Brown round leather collar. Reward for return, 316 N.

Hill. DRAGON CATE. MU. 1845. COAT--Will party who took coat, either by mistake or Intentionally, return at least keys and wallet.

R. N. Cahoon, 531 La Jolla ave. SUITCASE Lost between Murrieta Hot Springs and Elsinore. Give 76- ward.

Call FI. 4623. DOG- Male, brindle bull, bat ears, bob tail, harness, weighs 30 lbs. Answers to Reward. Ph.

DR, 2810. DOG lost, silver gray German police (female), 7 mos. old. Reward. 51430.

RING lost, diamond. Reward offered. 2751 SUNSET BLVD. DR. 6032.

PIN- -Eastern Star, lost; valued keepsake. Phone AX. 4261. SPECIAL NOTICES "BOOKKEEPING" Sets opened and closed, audits, inventories and income tax: firms or Individuals. E.

Sharp. TR. 5886. Evenings UN. 1795.



YOU DRIVE 510 W. 8th. VA. 9183 DENTISTRY PYORRHEA CURED Guaranteed, VA. 0202.

10 MEDICAL and PHYSICIANS Drs. Shores Shores Catarrh, deafness, head noises, hay fever, asthma, rheumatism, eczema. piles, epilepsy, goiter and other CHRONIC DISEASES of nerves, blood, skin. lungs, heart, stomach. bowels.

bladded. kidneys, liver a speclalty; 33 years. 501-502 Metropolitan Theater 323 6th st. Hours 9 to evenings, 6-8; Sundays, 10-12. MAN DOCTOR Over 30.

years. Examination Free. 219 Douglas cor. 3d Spring TREATS MEN WOMEN DISEASES. URINARY-BLADDER BLOOD-SKIN DR.

BOYER. 211 BLACK BLDG. 10-8 OPTOMETRY EYE CLINIC Examination for glasses and advice regarding your eyes without charge. L. A.

School of Optometry Wright Callender 4th and Hill sts. 12 NURSES EASTERN grad. nurse would like care of invalid. Box 1775A, Eve. Express.

14 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS $1 Watch Hospital Any watch repaired this week, material furnished. sold at wholesale. Hands 25c. main springs 500, crystals 25c, cleaning 81 All work guaranteed vears. Please bring ad.

142 SO. BROADWAY. Trucking Heavy Haul. Assoc. Transit Inc.

Office and Garage. 1000 MATEO TR. 5808 Foster Kleiser 1550 Out-Door Advertising. Washington. 15 ATTORNEYS AT LAW ALL LEGAL MATTERS- Advice free, LEONARD 902-4 Broadway Arcade, Also Wed.

eve. 7-9. TU. 7668. FREE law: husband wife estate: 20 Douglas.


Foothill Blvd. at Duarte, Calif. ANGELES COACHING SCHOOL high and grade. day and night. enter any time 1609 9th st.

DU 1416. FRENCH conversation, eve. classes, 50c lesson. 336 S. Burlington ave.

MACURDA Ranch School. non-milltary, bourding for boys. DU. 1416. 19 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION, MUSICIANS PIANO, voice, violin, steel guitar lessons.

Pollard Col. of Music, 1172 N. Western. GR. 6386 20 DANCING INSTRUCTIONS THE EGAN SCHOOL 172-173-California Petroleum Company.

Line. 177-178--McCormick Steamship Company, Munson-McCormick Steamship Line. Pacific-Argentine-Brazil Line. PacificHavana-Jacksonville Line 181-Municipal Oil Loading wharf. 184-186-Catalina Terminal Wilmington Transportation Company.

187-Vegetable Oil Company, C. Lehman. Holland-America Line, Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, 188-Panama Mail Steamship Company. Garland Line. Transmarine Corporation.

189-191-Norton. Lilly Co. Isthmian Line, Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Company Argonaut Line. Planet 194-Munielpal Stockyard 195-197-Charles McCormick Lumber Company. 198-200B-Blinn Lumber Company.

-Consolidated Lumber Comnany TERMINAL ISLAND DISTRICT 214-217-Petroleum Export Company. 222-225-Hammond Lumber Company. 223-Open dock -California and Eastern Steamship Company. Nippon Yusen Kaisha, 230B-Swayne Hoyt, Gulf -Pacific Line. American-Australia-Orient Line.

230D Williams. Mexican States Line. McCormick Mac. Pherson. Osaka Shosen Kaisha.

ker Line Columbia Pacific Line Oregon-Oriental Line. 230E-231 -General Steamship tion. Kawasaki-Roosevelt Line. Navigazoine Libera Triestina S. A.

Cam pagnie Gene ale Transatlantique (French Line) Winge Co. Line. Transatlantic Steamship Company. Ltd West fal-Larsen Svee 232A -Dollar Line. Blue Line.

Steamahin Line. Kerr Lingtar American Pioneer Line. 232DE-Luckenbach Steamship Company (west bound). 232B-Luckenbach Steamship Company (east bound). 232 WE -Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Company.

237-240ABC-Genernt Petroleum Corporation. Standard Transportation Company. 240XYZ-241 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation. Various. Capt.

A. Paulson, Flood Broth ers. John Marshall-Bank, Line. W. H.

Wickersham. America's. Foremost School of DRAMA DRAMA---MUSIC--DANCING MOTION PICTURES stage or screen career appeals to you come in and talk it over with us Many of our foremost stars of stage and screen are graduates of this school. Day and night clasaen now Send for catalogue, 1318-20-22-24 S. Figueroa IF, you can walk we guarantee, to teach you to dance.

"'No 75c private lessons daily: 100 prace tice lessons with orchestra nightly. ROSE ROOM DANCING SCHOOL. 8th and Spring sts. Ph. MA.

3098. 22 ROOFING GUTTERS cleaned and repaired before the rain. MU. 5681. ALL roofs repaired, waterproof.

6524 S. Vermont Orwan. YO. 1616. 23 CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS FOR RENT-Good work mules.

any number you want; also complete grading outfit. road rollers. dump wagons. graders and water wagons. Office and yard.

San Fernando road and Broadway. Glendale. Phone Glendale 1280. Phone CApitol 0964. GARAGES ALL SIZES.


GENERAL, contracting. jobhing, work done by experta. Kelly. CA. 4568.

DRAINBOARDS. tuba encased. floors. tile or whitestone. VErmont 4317..

Los Angeles Evening Express from Los Angeles, California (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.